Since I have taken the Big 5 already I was not surprised by my results. My results were O24, C64, E27, A63, N60. These results told me that I am down to earth, well-organized, reserved, sympathetic, and can be anxious at times. I agree with these results, however I believe they could have gone into more description, as well as tell me why they believe I am this type of person.
I had never taken the 16 Personalities test before, but after taking it I liked the questions they asked better than the ones asked on the Big 5. I also liked how they presented the results compared to the Big 5. My test results are as followed:
Your Test Results
Thank you for completing our personality test! Here is a copy of your results:

Personality type: “The Advocate” (INFJ-T)
Individual traits: Introverted – 55%, Intuitive – 57%, Feeling – 52%, Judging – 58%, Turbulent – 70%.
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Constant Improvement
Individual traits: Introverted – 55%, Intuitive – 57%, Feeling – 52%, Judging – 58%, Turbulent – 70%.
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Constant Improvement
I feel like this is a better representation of my personality instead of the Big 5 results. I liked this test better because they give you detailed explanations of the type of person you are based on your personality traits. One of the things that I liked the most from the description was when it said, "Advocates tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all". I agree with this statement 100 %.